Emperor's New Wiki
The Emperor's Runaway Cart

Kuzco is on his way to meet Malina in Yzma's secret lab... What he doesn't know is... Malina's note was really written by Yzma, and the cart Kuzco is on has NO BRAKES! Help Kuzco get to the lab without smashing himself into royal bits and pieces.



  • While you're at it be sure to collect these (more points pack)...
  • ...and stop Yzma and Kronk to rack up lots of points for your high score self.
  • Click the space bar to JUMP UP and open and close the gates. Close the gate on Yzma and Kronk for a bonus (and a satisfied chuckle).
  • JUMP to grab these (score increases) and send your score zooming.
  • Use your arrow keys to switch the track.

Crashing through gates is bad for your health.

First-Aid Kit
Collect these to pump up your health.

Less Points Pack
Avoid these or LOSE POINTS.

The Emperor's Runaway Cart Gameplay

A moment of the gameplay.


The cart the player controls goes through diagonal tracks and collects powerups at the same time that avoids powerdowns and opens gates to pass over them and closes gates to make Yzma and Kronk crash. The player can also use the arrow keys to move a ramp up or down to eventually go to other track.

Loosing quote[]

Oops, that's one crash too many. Better luck next time!
